Well hello my dear and sweet friends! I’m finally back after a couple of months of a hiatus to pursue many new culinary adventures, job interviewing, and special personal chef opportunities I have been working on. In my return this October month, I wanted to give you a couple of recipes that you can all use throughout the fall (autumn) season, if you like the warm autumnal flavors as much as I certainly do!
Well life is definitely good for me here, and life should always be celebrated with the knowing that each day is a true gift.
As October is national Breast Cancer Awareness month, I would be remiss as your friend and also a registered nurse, to not remind you to go get your 3D mammograms this month please! Also, do it yearly in October when there are so many reminders in the media, social media, and the like! 3D mammograms are a more in-depth screening for detection of breast cancer, so whatever you must pay for having this additional more advanced screening is money well spent, and can actually save your life!
Many of you have some sort of insurance that hopefully covers a yearly basic mammogram. If so, then you can upgrade your mammogram to a 3D version for a varied amount of additional money (mine was $90 out of pocket to upgrade). Yes that’s a lot of money, and many may sadly not be able to pay for that additional expense. But if you can pay for this 3D add on, it can actually find tumors far better than the standard mammogram testing. The 3D mammogram is an exam that adds extra views of the breast, and at other angles, than the standard views of basic mammograms. Extra views can detect very small hidden cancers that can potentially be missed with less extensive views. So it is a important upgrade for your best health and screening.
Also, many women find their own lumps and breast cancer themselves, through doing their monthly breast self-exams. It is VITAL to check yourself monthly, doing self-breast exams (in the shower is easiest). Go get anything unusual, new, or concerning checked out right away by your doctor. Better to go see a doctor early and relieve your worry with normal result findings, than to wait and potentially allow cancer to grow and spread.
Mammograms are done routinely once a year, but cancers can show themselves anytime throughout the year, between mammograms. So please check your body monthly! It saves lives, and finding something early gives the best prognosis long term.
One last piece of information…
Make sure you feel your breast tissue from clavicle to the base of your breast, because breast tissue starts at your clavicle and ends down at the ribs. Many don’t realize this! Don’t just check the circles ladies… check clavicle down to ribs, ok!
Stay healthy, see a doctor for any questions or concerns right away, and get yearly breast exams via mammogram. God bless you all with perfect health!
Ok… who is as obsessed with all things pumpkin spice like I am?? Haha…
Well for this October blogging, I decided to develop for you two different autumnal recipes that you and your family could enjoy all season long.
So are we ready?
Then let’s get cooking shall we!!
Music Inspiration: Oscar and the Wolf “Breathing”
Prep: 5 minutes
Completion: 15 minutes
Serves: 2 Cups
1 cups Organic Half and Half Creamer
1 cup Almond Milk (unsweetened)
4 Tbsp Pumpkin Puree
2 ½ Tbsp Blue Agave Syrup
1 Tbsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 large whole Vanilla Bean pod, halved
1 large Cinnamon Stick
1 teensy-tiny pinch of Cayenne Pepper (optional)
Let’s Get Cooking:
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, and incorporate together gently using a wire whisk.
Once blended, cook on medium-high heat until mixture becomes hot but not boiling. Once hot, turn down heat to low and simmer delicately 20 minutes. Stir occasionally while simmering delicately.
Once done simmering, remove and throw away the cinnamon stick and the vanilla bean pod, and allow cream mixture to cool a bit before use. Add to coffee, and use additional sweetener of your choice as you prefer.
Keep refrigerated for up to one week.
Hope you enjoy this creamer as much as I do!